NEC Birmingham |  09 - 10 October 2024

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17 Sep 2020

The story of a Hatfield care home resident

The story of a Hatfield care home resident

Since the age of seven months old, Brian has fought a disability caused by Polio; although Brian has said his biggest battle was with small minded people. When he was younger he was told he would not be able to use his legs to drive. But he proved everyone wrong and not only did he learn to drive, but he rebuilt a Land Rover in his garden and designed hand controls which were adapted so he could use the brakes.

After school Brian worked with an engineer where he learned to make his own leg callipers, which he needs in order to walk. He started as a trainee and worked his way up to a Grade 1 Technician making surgical equipment. Brian went on to work here for 20 years and loved the diversity of the job.

In his spare time Brian would attend Land Rover Rallies and in time started to help on the course, and once he had passed his test he was able to work as a Course Marshal. 

After some time, Brian moved on to Rally Rescue which is a cross between the fire and ambulance service. He drove a specially adapted vehicle which he had built himself.

With Brian’s health declining he decided to come and live at St Christopher’s care home where he feels safe and supported. He was recently assisted back to his home in Welham Green in order to collect some of his belongings to make his room feel like home.

Over his lifetime Brian has amounted a collection of valuable belongings such as his models, which he has decided to sell with help from his best friend in order to raise money for several charities close to his heart; including MacMillan Cancer Support.

Brian commented on his life story and shared some wise words, “Please. If anyone says to you, whether you are able bodied or not, that you are unable to do something, put your mind to it and you will always achieve it.”

Brian enjoyed telling his story and being able to show that you can overcome just about anything!

Alex Gough, Head of Wellbeing at St Christopher’s care home, said, “Brian's story is one that we can all learn from, we are all capable of anything if we put our minds to it.”

HC-One’s St Christopher’s is a purpose-built home offering nursing residential and nursing dementia as well as accommodating physically disabled and older people.

For more information, or to view the home, visit or call 0333 321 4727

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