PredicAire is an Awards Finalist for the third time in 2022
‘PredicAire’ was launched in 2021, and is the first holistic care management system to use Artificial intelligence (Ai) to achieve better outcomes. The system’s founders have experienced both sides of care provision and use their knowledge to inform and test the features of PredicAire, which has a single sign on system and includes modules for care planning, admin, maintenance, staffing, and accounts, as well as the first-ever ‘virtual nurse’, powered by Ai all under one single data eco system.
PredicAire has now reached the finals of the Social Care Premier Supplier Awards in the ‘Technology (care home)’ category, and its founders are preparing to attend the Awards ceremony next month. They attended the Health Investor Awards 2022 as a finalist in the ‘IT Innovator of the Year’ category earlier this year, and will also attend the Barclays Entrepreneur Awards in November as a finalist in the ‘Eagle Labs Innovation Award’ category.
In addition to these accolades one of PredicAire’s Founders, Vinay Patel, was named as one of the Top 100 Asian Stars in UK Tech for 2021 and has just been named in the same list for 2022.
Ketan Shah, Founder and Managing Director of PredicAire, said, “PredicAire’s journey goes from strength to strength and we are receiving incredible support from the social care community, for which we are very grateful. We are delighted that our efforts are being recognised not only by this community, but by the organisers of Awards programmes such as the Social Care Premier Supplier Awards."
To find out more about PredicAire or to arrange a demonstration, visit or email