Televic Healthcare eases the work of caregivers with its all-in one care communication solution: “The AQURA Care platform"

Caregivers deserve all the help they can get and technology plays an important role here. With the AQURA Care platform, Televic Healthcare offers a range of solutions to improve quality of care and increase efficiency for care professionals. This open communication platform offers nurse call, alarm distribution, workflows, room level accurate personal alarming and finally traceability and dashboarding, all integrated into one modular and easy to use platform. The AQURA Care platform is completely modular and is designed to meet the needs of our ever faster changing world. The system is scalable and upgradable, so hospitals, elderly care and assisted living homes can start small and extend later, while protecting their initial investment.
Guaranteed safety through personal alarming with room accurate location data
Televic humanizes personal alarming through programmable and profile based tags. Nurses, patients and residents wear the same tag, avoiding stigmatization. A call includes the exact and real-time location within the facility and gets updated in real-time.
The tags are:
- Waterproof (IP67) - Easy to use
- Rechargeable - Personal with data
- Cleanable with disinfectant - Easy to assign
- Shock resistant - Updated in real-time
- Discrete anti-removal clip - Non-stigmatizing
® The AQURA personal alarming and localization technology makes use of a patented technology based on ultrasound, combined with radio frequency and magnetic induction to guarantee the exact location within a building. This results in:
- Fast and accurate door control for runaway prevention.
- An open and safe environment for wandering patients or residents.
- Guaranteed safety for care givers through distress alarming including real time location.
- Reduction of false alarms to an absolute minimum.
Room accurate localization is the perfect enabler for runaway prevention and wandering detection. Easy and safe cancellation of alarms by bringing the nurse and patient tag in close range: ensuring personal contact between patient or resident and care giver. This results in guaranteed security for residents or patients and increased work efficiency through the avoidance of false alarms.
Unburden care professionals with intelligent alarm distribution & workflows
Everyday healthcare professionals are faced with a high volume of alarms, many of which do not require action. This can lead to stress and frustrations and in worst cases, to alarm fatigue.
AQURA’s intelligent alarm distribution module enables:
- Increased efficiency for the staff
- A reduction of false alarms
- The ability to cascade an alarm or workflow when busy
- The possibility to trigger workflows and automate care processes
This allows care givers to work more efficiently, to increase the quality of care and finally, spend more time with their patients!
Turn data into insights
Televic Healthcare conducted a lot of research and discussed products and solutions with many staff members in the care and cure market. This feedback was the starting point for the development of two types of dashboards:
- patient-resident dashboards: show why alarms are activated
- staff dashboards: provide insights on unplanned care, offering a starting point for optimization
AQURA reporting and dashboarding module consolidates all events, interventions and response times from both Televic and third party devices into one single platform.
This enables management to set and measure KPI’s and make data-driven decisions in order to maximize safety and efficiency at work.
The AQURA Care platform was built to be integrated with an ecosystem of complementary technologies. The open platform allows to integrate with legacy or third party systems sytems, such as wearables, sensors, smart beds, fall detection systems, through connectors and API.
Who is Televic Healthcare
Since 1953, Televic Healthcare, with in-house R&D and production, develops and manufactures quality products and software dedicated to the care and cure market. We provide nurse call, room accurate indoor localization, intelligent alarm distribution, workflows and much more. Our innovative and patented systems are adapted to the ever-increasing demands of hospitals and elderly care facilities.
Worldwide, more than 2 000 hospitals, assisted living and elderly homes are working with Televic systems. Thanks to our global network of specialized and certified integrators, we enable high quality care for patients & residents, increased efficiency for professionals in the care & cure market and safety for all.
Want to know more about the AQURA Care platform?
Visit the stand of Televic Healthcare during the Care Show: hall 3a, stand C86
Get a free consult and demo during the Care Show!