NEC Birmingham |  09 - 10 October 2024

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Edition 26

Edition 25


Edition 24


Edition 23


Edition 22



Edition 21


Edition 20


Edition 19


Edition 18


Edition 17


Edition 16


Edition 15


Edition 14


Edition 13


Edition 12

As we enter into spring, we welcome the Care Show Bulletin - your monthly news intake highlighting the positive stories across the care sector.

March's newsletter features an announcement from NCF that The Care Innovation Challenge will be returning this July, what Softworks are doing to improve Gold Care Homes, how Wippet is making buying easier and simpler, and we learn all about InvictIQ’s newest research tool.

We are also pleased to tell you that plans for the Care Show 2022 are in full swing, and we have lots of exciting things we can't wait to tell you about. Although our registration isn't open yet, you can sign up here to be the first to be notified of when you can secure your pass.

Keep us up to date with your latest developments, good news, and educational update by messaging the team via our contact us form.

Edition 11

This month our Care Show Bulletin will discuss what our partners have been up to, reveal some of the exciting speakers and topics which will be presented at the show, and draw attention to positive news stories coming out of the care sector.

We are all so excited that the Care Show is back for 2021 and we're keen to spread the word! 

In this edition we hear from some of our partners about what features they are planning on bringing with them to the show. 

We are always looking to promote positive stories and educational updates. To be part of future newsletter editions, please contact me on

Edition 10

A warm welcome for the June Care Show and The Residential & Home Care Show newsletter.

This month we feature a great line up of innovators, specialists, and AWARDS!!! With face to face events looking set to be back this autumn, make sure you are promoting your teams and entering competitions. Not only is it a huge boost to morale, but a great way to market and recruit the best talent.

In this edition, we also hear from some of our partners to find out what they have been up to, including exciting new features and products being launched on the market.

We are always looking to promote positive stories and educational updates. To be part of future newsletter editions, please contact me on

Edition 9

A warm welcome to our first joint newsletter, uniting the Care Show and The Residential & Home Care Show.

By combining both events, we hope to cover more impactful stories highlighting what is happening in your sector and the latest innovations and updates from suppliers.

This edition, we speak with many of our partners to find out what they have been up to and what new exciting features are coming out to the market.

To be part of future editions please contact me on



Edition 8

As the country gears up to opening its doors, non-essential shops prepare for customers, hospitality prepare outdoor spaces and care homes are allowing regular visitors. This edition we look at some of our key partners and what they are doing to help improve the care sector.

There is light at the end of this long journey, and we are excited at the prospect of welcoming you all back to the Care Show at Birmingham NEC on the 13th & 14th October.

If you would like to feature in future Care Bulletins, please contact me on


Edition 7

What a year 2020 has been and as we approach the festive season, we hope there may be some light at the end of a tunnel.

This month we look back at the first ever Virtual Care Festival, where 3000+ of you joined us live for two days and another 600 since have visited the site since to enjoy hours of educational content and network with your peers. We look at some of the key CPD accredited webinars, the industry discussions and a some of out fantastic partners who will continue to serve the sector as we approach 2021.

From myself and the entire Care Show, we wish you a VERY happy Christmas and a joyful New Year.

We look forward to seeing you all in 2021.

Stay Safe and keep smiling, 

Michael Corbett, Care Portfolio Manager



Edition 6

This edition of our Care Show Bulletin will highlight what some of our partners have been up to, offer a tiny portion of the speakers and topics which will be discussed at the virtual show and look at positive news stories coming out of the care sector.

With a new lockdown in full flow, we still aim to bring people together with the opportunity to talk to one another.

This bulletin focuses on the Virtual Care Festival - our new digital online event is packed full of debates and engaging talks for both residential and domiciliary care providers. There will be over 40 amazing products and services and best of ALL it is completely free.

The Virtual Care Festival will allow you to speak with your peers, hopefully blow off some steam and take a break from your usual routines.

As always, stay safe and keep smiling

Michael Corbett, Care Portfolio Manager


Edition 5

In this edition of the bulletin we look at how care providers are keeping their residents engaged and how they are getting their new recruits into top positions. We also explore the relationship between pain & dementia. We are also hosting a new webinar next week on diabetes education and safety in care homes.

This month we should have been welcoming you and the entire care sector to the Care Show at the Birmingham NEC. Sadly the pandemic has had a huge impact on face to face events, but that doesn’t mean we wont see you again soon. 

Join us at the Virtual Care Festival on the 25th & 26th November for two days of digital interaction. We’ll be hosting 5 theatres, 60+ hours of webinars and over 50 interactive stands!

If you want to be part of future editions of the Care Show bulletin, please get in touch.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Michael Corbett, Care Portfolio Manager



Edition 4

Welcome to the September Care Show Bulletin, an edition action packed with some important updates regarding our events. Firstly we look back at the Care Summer Series, which you can access here.

The Care Show due this October is sadly being postponed to 2021; but we are delighted to announce the launch of our brand new event - the Virtual Care Festival on the 25th & 26th November, two days of networking and education for the entire care sector.

We are not the only ones who have been busy, Care Workers Charity are hosting an entire week of education dedicated to the “Professional Care Workers Week”. We discuss diversity within care, safeguarding and if it has it taken a new meaning since the Pandemic, and a number of other topics.

As ever if you have any stories or updates, please get in contact and we are happy to share your news.

Keep Smiling,

Michael Corbett, Care Portfolio Manager



Edition 3

Welcome to the July Care Show Bulletin. In this edition, I am delighted to announce the launch of The Care Summer Series; a digital event on the 10th and 11th August, where we are working with the team behind Health+Care and The Care Workers Charity to bring key debates impacting the care sector, new innovations to help the future of all providers and the chance for everyone to come together… digitally.

Speaking of Innovation, we also explore how Encore Care Homes have created a host of activities to help residents, family and staff boost health and wellness, and how apetito have created a new concept of an innovative mobile presentation suite which has been specially developed and fitted out to offer care homes the opportunity to enjoy socially distanced presentations and food tastings.

We are keen to report on your success stories and issues that matter most to you. As always, please get in touch with ideas for our next edition.

Keep smiling,

Michael Corbett, Care Portfolio Manager


Edition 2 

The care sector continues to go above and beyond, whilst battling with the confusion of social distancing with family members, Covid-19 testing issues, PPE and managing the mental health of staff and those that you care for. Below we have some interesting developments and services for those who live and breathe care.

We are also delighted to announce our new webinar series, which we have launched to help all care providers during the pandemic and beyond.

We are keen to report on your success stories and issues that matter most to you. Please email me with ideas for our next edition.

Keep Smiling!

Michael Corbett, Care Portfolio Manager 


Edition 1

Welcome to our relaunched Care Show Bulletin, dedicated to celebrating the herculean effort the care sector is making in the fight against COVID-19 and for all the latest case studies, white papers and updates from the care sector.

We want to take this opportunity to personally thank every worker within care homes, nursing homes and domiciliary care for working so incredibly hard in the face of the crippling pandemic and going above and beyond.

"This is your news update, designed to keep you up-to-date with the latest sector news advice around COVID-19 and other key topics impacting on the care sector. We are keen to report your success stories and cover issues that matter most to you, your staff and business.” Please email with ideas.

Stay well and safe,

Michael Corbett, Care Portfolio Manager 




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